CWOP Information for DW1053 (D1053) in Basel, CH

The following information is known about DW1053. If you think that any information is incorrect, then please follow the instructions for correcting that data item.

It is possible that this page will report a problem where no problem exists. If you believe that this has happened, then please contact me (address at the bottom of this page) and explain clearly why you think this page is in error. Note that any changes that you make may take a few days to show up here, so please give it a week before commenting.

Location Map: If this message persists, then your browser is not compatible with Google Maps.
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Registered Location

Latitude: 1° 1' 0" S (deg min sec), -1.0167° (decimal), 0101.00S (LORAN)
Longitude: 1° 1' 0" W (deg min sec), -1.0167° (decimal), 00101.00W (LORAN)
Elevation: 265 metres (869 feet)
Location: Basel, CH
Weather station Manager/Operator: Thomas
Station type/software: Meteoplug version 5.1

The elevation does not correspond with the estimated elevation (-9999 metres (-32805 feet) -- source Geonames) at that point. Either the location or the elevation (or both) are almost certain to be incorrect. Please use the 'send the updated information' link below to update the location or elevation.

The site coordinates appear to be of low precision, and the station may be anywhere within the marked area. Clicking within the map area (or you can drag the 'DW1053' marker) will display the latitude/longitude of that point.

If the displayed location (or elevation) of the weather observing location is incorrect, please drag the marker to the right location (or click in the right location), and then send the updated information. Please note that we are trying to spot either the Stevenson Screen (or equivalent) or the location where the barometric readings are taken.

The best way to get elevation is to consult a topographic map. Make sure that you know whether the contours are marked in feet or metres. Note that handheld GPS receivers do not provide readings of elevation accurate to better than 10-20 metres (technical discussion). If you do not have access to a topographic map, then a GPS receiver is acceptable, but make sure that it is operating in 3D mode and let it average the position for at least five minutes.

For more information on reading maps, please see the Topo Map Reading Guide -- in particular it discusses how to read contours.

NOTE: The Registered Location is the location that the station owner provided when they signed up with CWOP. Show location history.

There are no photographs of the station. If you are the site operator and have pictures of this location, then please email them to

You can try to find photographs from the area surrounding the site marker by clicking on Find nearby photographs.

Location Map: If this message persists, then your browser is not compatible with Google Maps.
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APRS Location

APRS Location recorded at 2024-Oct-06 01:02 UTC
Latitude: 58° 4' 59" N (deg min sec), 58.0831° (decimal), 5804.99N (LORAN)
Longitude: 131° 45' 40" W (deg min sec), -131.7610° (decimal), 13145.66W (LORAN)

The location reported in the weather reports (via APRS) is significantly different to the registered location above. In particular, the difference is about 7684.8 miles. If you have changed your location (or software) since the time above, then this can be a false alarm. Check the location currently being reported at

Please check which location is correct. If the registered location is incorrect, then you can correct it by dragging the marker above and using the 'send the updated information link'. If the APRS location is incorrect, then you must enter the correct coordinates into your software which generates the weather report (APRS) messages. Note that the various different types of software take the location in different formats, so be sure to use the correct format when entering the latitude and longitude.

Data Status

Data has been seen on each of the last 26 analyzed days.

The last 24 hours of weather data can be viewed at Findu. This page also provides access to the raw APRS packets and various other APRS related tools.

Recent observations from this weather station can be downloaded as a CSV file suitable for importing into various spreadsheet programs: last 7 days, last 14 days, last 28 days, last 56 days. This data can also be linked directly from Excel using a Web Query. The main link goes to the page with the data on it, and the IQY link is the Web Query that will access it: last 7 days (IQY: last 7 days), last 14 days (IQY: last 14 days), last 28 days (IQY: last 28 days), last 56 days (IQY: last 56 days).

All the means and standard deviations shown below are from the last 28 days. Change analysis period to Last 3 days  Last 7 days  Last 14 days  Last 8 weeks  Last 13 weeks  Last 26 weeks  Last 39 weeks  Last 52 weeks  

By default, the longer analysis periods display graphs that show the long term performance of this station. The graphs show the mean error over time, and include error bars which are one standard deviation long. This provides an easy way to see if there are any underlying trends in the data. Note that a 'step' in your data does not (necessarily) mean that something happened to your station. It could mean that another station came online in the local area, and they are changing the analysis.

The analysis is performed by MADIS. This web page just provides visualization of the data that MADIS produces. There are a number of very knowledgeable people who participate on the WXQC Mailing List who do understand exactly how MADIS works and can resolve issues when the analysis seems to be broken. However, in most cases, the station readings are at fault, or the software that is transmitting the data to CWOP. Please check those paths first.

You can also see how this station compares with other stations.

The inconsistency noted above in your location information means that the analyzed readings for your location may be incorrect. For example, if your location is incorrect, then the analysis values will be for a location other than your station. This will give different analysis results, probably leading to errors being shown below. If the elevation is incorrect, then the comparison of temperature readings will be in error.

A recently received weather report from this station was

This report was not parsed as a valid APRS message: Invalid packet.


Average barometer error: 0.0 milliBars
Error standard deviation: 0.0 milliBars

MADIS rating 100% QC OK

Latest daily graph:

Latest daily graph

These values are within range, so your sensor is probably calibrated correctly.


  24 hours
Average temperature error-
Error standard deviation-

NOTE: If the error above is POSITIVE, then it means that the analysis temperature is HIGHER than the reported temperature. This means that your sensor is reading COLDER than expected.

MADIS rating 100% QC OK

Latest daily graph:

Latest daily graph

Not enough data has been received to perform a day / night analysis to check for various types of shielding problems. Please wait a few days, and then try again.

Dewpoint -- or switch to Relative Humidity

  24 hours
Average dewpoint error-
Error standard deviation-

NOTE: If the error above is POSITIVE, then it means that the analysis temperature is HIGHER than the reported temperature. This means that your sensor is reading COLDER than expected.

MADIS rating 100% QC OK

Latest daily graph:

Latest daily graph

Not enough data has been received to perform a day / night analysis to check for various types of shielding problems. Please wait a few days, and then try again.

Wind Vector

The wind vector is the average wind over the relevant period. Note that if the wind blows North for half the time at 2 knots, and then blows South for the other half of the time at 2 knots, then the result is zero -- i.e. North wind and South wind will cancel out. Over time, the direction of the wind and of the analysis should match pretty well. If the lengths of the vector are different, then it could mean either that your anemometer reads high or low, or that you are in a more shielded or more open space.
MADIS rating 100% QC OK
TodayLast 7 days
Wind vector chartWind vector chart for last 7 days

Neighboring Stations

This is a list of stations that are close to this station. Note that this is not the list of stations that are used in the data analysis. That list of stations is known only to MADIS. You can see all the stations at MADIS Data Display. Your station should be in the middle of the display. If you think that the analysis is incorrect, then maybe one of the close stations has failed.

You can look at those for comparison purposes. The average difference between your station and each station below is listed as well. This may allow you to detect local stations which are erroneous. You can also use these numbers to adjust your instruments -- especially if a number of ASOS stations have similar differences to your station. Also, try increasing the analysis period to more than the default 28 days. The difference is only given if both stations report reasonably often during each day. Some stations only report every 6 hours, and this makes the average of less interest. In this case, the average is not displayed. The values reported are the differences between this station and the neighboring station. I.e. if the difference is positive, then this station is reading higher than the neighboring station.

You can also subscribe to an RSS feed to tell you when new stations come online in this area. Choose either within 100 miles or 250 miles .

DW7059145.5 milesNortheast Maintenon, FR (lat 0.8097°, long 0.0265°, altitude 105 metres)
CW90401924.4 milesSoutheast Windhoek, NA (lat -22.5755°, long 17.0738°, altitude 1664 metres)
GW26561928.1 milesSoutheast Windhoek, NA (lat -22.6192°, long 17.1087°, altitude 1650 metres)
GW06432183.0 milesNorth Fairhope, AL, US (lat 30.5438°, long -0.9030°, altitude 604 metres)
DW87902214.0 milesNorthwest Maspalomas, ES (lat 27.7733°, long -15.5822°, altitude 70 metres)
EA3GKP-82271.0 milesNorthwest Adeje, ES (lat 28.1525°, long -16.7287°, altitude 915 metres)
EA8URU-132271.3 milesNorthwest SANTA CRUZ DE TENERIFE, IC (lat 28.3183°, long -16.4070°, altitude 260 metres)
EA3GKP-102276.2 milesNorthwest Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Canary Islands ES (lat 28.4662°, long -16.2717°, altitude 130 metres)
EA8TK-132277.7 milesNorthwest La Laguna, ES (lat 28.4753°, long -16.3023°, altitude 415 metres)
GW00462277.9 milesNorthwest La Esperanza, ES (lat 28.4482°, long -16.3640°, altitude 919 metres)

Quality Control Notes

This page reports on the quality control checks performed by MADIS. The green check mark and red cross are chosen based on the average performance during the analysis period (which is selectable above). The red cross can appear even if MADIS reports that all observations pass the MADIS QC checks.

The 'MADIS rating' reports on the percentage of observations that pass the MADIS checks. You should aim for two thumbs up!

Location Formats

The location is shown in three different formats. Each of these is used in some software, and is shown on some websites.

Degrees Minutes Seconds: VWS/VWSAPRS, WeatherLink 5.5, WeatherLink (5.2-5.4), WeatherView (Linux)

Decimal degrees: FreeWX, WeatherView32 (PC application)

LORAN: WeatherDisplay, WUHU, Henriksen WServer


CWOP Home: This describes the whole CWOP program and has a large amount of useful information.

CWOP Siting Guide (PDF): This is a guide to siting and operating a CWOP station. This is a must-read document.

Another CWOP Guide (PDF): This is another guide to siting and operating a CWOP station. This is a must-read document.

Urban Siting and Operations (PDF): This is a guide to siting and operating a CWOP station in an urban environment.

APRS WX Message format: This describes the actual format of the messages transmitted that carry WX information.

WXQC Mailing List: This is a mailing list where data quality issues are discussed. Assistance with software configuration can often be found here.

Topo Map Reading Guide: How to read USGS topographic maps, with a good section on reading contours.

Geographically nearby web pages: Use Geourl to find web pages that deal with locations geographically close to this site.

Overall website comments, problems etc to Philip Gladstone
Page layout last modified Sunday, 28 February 2016
Questions for this weather station owner/operator to Thomas
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