Weather location or code:

Weather Quality Reporter

This is the control page for the Weather Quality Reporter. This is a part of the Citizen Weather Observer Program.


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Useful Links

QCMS Description: This describes how the quality checks are performed by the FSL.

CWOP Station Information: Full information, including latest quality control results and the red/green mark, for each station.

CWOP Station Photographs: See which stations have photographs available.

CWOP Station Location Errors: Some CWOP station locations and/or altitudes do not seem correct. This page shows those stations.

CWOP Barometer Miscalibration report: This shows the CWOP sites which have barometers which appear to be miscalibrated.

Stuck sensors: This lists the stuck sensors across the CWOP network. It is fairly slow to generate, so please wait for it to complete.

Overall sensor quality: This shows the overall status of the CWOP stations, broken down by sensor type.

Google map showing which sites are being searched: Sometimes interesting map that shows which sites are being searched for (on google). Can show world events.

APRS Weather Wiki: This is an overview of how APRS and Weather reporting fit together. There are a bunch of good links there as well. On the other hand, if you are ready to sign up here, then you probably don't need the Weather Wiki!

Comments, complaints etc. to Philip Gladstone
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